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First off, this week we say hello to Marc, our newest voice here on the show!
After a little messing about, we get right into it. This week we focus on three creepy stories from our neighboring state of Iowa. All of these stories come courtesy of Check them out for more cool ghost stories.
The Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery
The Millville Poltergeist
The Villisca Murder House
To lighten the mood after those creepy stories, we play a couple of games!
In "Dead or Not So Dead" we are read 4 stories of bizarre deaths by Mr. B. Only one of the crazy stories is made up!
And in "To B or not to B", Mr. B reads off the synopsis' of 4 terrible sounding B-movies, and we have to guess which one is made up. Good times are had by all!
As always, licensed music is courtesy of the Ioda Promonet.
from "We Got The Horror"
from "Respect The Dead"
(HairBall8 Records)
If you enjoy the show, please leave some feedback for us, we'd love to hear from you!